I am sure that we all here are familiar with the acronym K.I.S.S. (...but just in case, 'keep it simple stupid') and i thought that i would share some thoughts on that subject, in relation to my own relationship with my vx.
I remember there being a total of three television channels to choose from, then along came channel four and then, oh how spoilt we were all going to be, amazingly a fifth. How greatly we wrung our remote controlled filled hands and prepared our perspective brains for the onslaught of the fun to come and, what did we get? Copious amounts of cooing that only saw the extra injection of an alternative humour (ala Ben Elton and such) and a newly enlarged aired space to celebrate our swearing and viewed onscreen sex, heralding that which is so common place now as to dull whatever screen senses we once thought we had. In many respects, a greater loss than gain in my humble opinion. Not only a loss of common decency becoming the filling in the freshly produced but oversized production sandwich but reruns now become the most common after taste. I can think of many, many such examples of where more becomes less at a cost of its own detriment, which i wouldn't dare bore you with here and now but the most obvious and potent example of the exact opposite occurrence is one that i believe we all share in on here (hence my thread).
Motoring to me or more exactly, the enjoyment of driving my baby as she was designed to be driven, is an experience of an enjoyment directly proportionate to the total immersion of every one of my senses, which in my vx land, is total. I have found that from my own perspective, the cost of and critically the comfort of, carrying that weight of an enjoyment enjoyed so immensely, can be calculated using the most simple (..or simple to me) of equations proven to be quite unique in its balance and that is...
..the more it gives to the senses of the individual, the less it takes away from the experiences of the whole.
Happy and safe motoring, one and all.